LoC Foundation UK is a non-profit organization helping communities to heal and grow along the Line of Control in Azad Kashmir

A trusted charity

Award winning

We are proud to say we have a 100% donation policy. We aim to use your generous donations in the most effective way possible, whilst remaining as transparent as possible. None of our team are on our payroll. Learn more in our frequently asked questions.

In Azad Kashmir, specifically in the Fatehpur Thakyala (Nakyal) sector of district Kotli, people are suffering immensely. The individuals affected by cross border firing and shelling on the LoC (Line of Control) border and surrounding sectors are forced to fight for themselves and forced to live in poverty. LoC communities like many others, are struggling with the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic but unfortunately face an even more detrimental fate because they lack food, shelter, a stable livelihood and basic fundamental facilities that were already hard to come by. The purpose of the LoC Foundation is to work hard to provide those in need with food, medical assistance, equipping damaged or struggling schools with new stationery, desks, chairs, making such actions their priority projects

100% Donation Policy

Award given to LoC Foundation UK Chairman Mr. Shafiq Ahmed from the elected Mayor of Watford Mr. Peter Taylor in recognition for his commitment and dedication in helping the vulnerable and affected LoC community of Nakyal (Fatehpur Thakyala) Azad Kashmir.

Our History

In 2017 - Founded

Founded in 2017 by Shafiq Ahmed. Who came to a realisation of the lack of aid specifically for Kashmiris within the LoC.

11th July 2020

We opened our office in Jandrote, Nakyal. This is where we register the LoC community for donations and check their eligibility.

14th October 2020

We officially registered as UK charity with the Charity Commission. Our registered charity number is: 1191798.

May 2018 - First donation function

Alhamdulillah,our first donation function was carried out in LoC Nakyal, Azad Kashmir in May 2018.

Summer 2020

Watford mayor Peter Taylor awarded us, for the recognition of our charity work in helping the poor and in need Kashmiris.

About LoC Kashmir

Azad Kashmir, is a region administered by Pakistan. The Line of Control (LoC) is a military control line between India and Pakistan which has been the subject of a dispute between both countries since 1947.

This conflict started after the partition of India in 1947 as both India and Pakistan claimed the entirety of the former princely state of Jammu and Kashmir.

It is a dispute over the region that escalated into three wars between India and Pakistan and the ongoing armed skirmishes where the LoC communities on both sides suffer the most.

An estimated 40 percent of Kashmir’s population live below the poverty line and almost half are illiterate. Poor families typically spend over 60 percent of their income on food. Azad Kashmir performed worse than most of its South Asian neighbours in eliminating hunger.

Since 2017 with your donations, LoC Foundation UK has been working and delivering food, medical and basic humanitarian aid to hundreds of families inside LoC Azad Kashmir. We also donate various school equipment ,water projects and hygiene packs.

Our focal point in 2021 is to continue providing full assistance and support for the LoC Azad Kashmir community.

Our aim is to progress further in our humanitarian support in helping and working closely with our local knowledgeable team to relieve the LoC communities of their many hardships.

Our Patron

LoC Foundation UK is honoured to have the elected Mayor of Watford, Mr Peter Taylor, as a patron of the charity and an avid supporter of the work being carried out by LoC Foundation UK. He recognises the impact that the charity is having on the people of Nakyal (Fatehpur Thakyala) Azad Kashmir.

Our team

Mr Shafiq Ahmed

With a background in business administration and having grown up in a developing community, Shafiq builds relationships with our key donors and partners to facilitate project delivery and completion of missions.

Mr Faisal Ali

With a strong financial background, as well as strong ties to some of our most important communities, Faisal is influential in shaping our charity policies, proposals, and fundraising rounds. 



Founder & Chairman

Treasurer & Trustee

Mr Usman Ali


Ms Mahnoor Ahmed


With a background in property management, Usman is a local estate agent who is keen to help people improve their lives everywhere.

An undergraduate law student, wanting to to help people who are struggling to better their lives.

“The art of teaching is the art of assisting discovery.”

– Mark Van Doren