LoC - Water Source: Water Bore Holes

Water is one of the basic human needs, yet in the 21st century there are many struggling to get access to a clean supply of water within reach. Many are having to travel for hours to fetch limited water in pots.

The LoC Foundation UK is facilitating the installation of Water Bore holes enabling entire villages to get access to clean running water.

You could donate towards providing villages and communities with running water within a few metres from their homes.

About the project

Sadaqah Jariyah

Sadaqah Jariyah is a continuous, long-term charity that benefits someone for a life-time, long after the charity is given. The idea of Sadaqah Jariyah is to create sustainable solutions for people and communities.

You could donate a water bore hole on behalf of deceased loved ones thus providing them with Sadaqah Jariyah.

Providing accessibility to clean water helps us to protect women and children who have to travel 2-5 kilometers a day just to fetch water.

Water Bore Hole number 3, Dabsi, Nakyal

Water Bore Hole number 6, Sanghila, Kenthi (Nakyal)

Water Bore Hole number 1, Girls Inter College, Dabsi

Water Bore Hole number 2, Lanjote, Nakyal

Water Bore Hole number 4, Narrah Gali, Balakot (Nakyal)

Water Bore Hole number 5, Dabsi Hospital, Nakyal

Water Bore Hole number 7, Mehra, Nakyal

Water Bore Hole number 11, Sultan Baghla (Dabsi) Nakyal

“The best charity is giving water to drink.”

– Prophet Muhammad ﷺ