LoC: Sewing Machines

With the gift of a sewing machine, you will enable a skilled person to use it to earn a livelihood for their household.

The LoC Foundation UK is has been running a project to provide struggling households with sewing machines through your donations.

A sewing machine is life-changing especially for a low-income household. Your gift of £50 today will make a difference to someone’s life.

About the project


Poverty and insecurity are a reality for many vulnerable communities around the world, true charity has the potential to be life-saving. Donating to charitable organizations during Ramadan and throughout the year can help provide much-needed support and relief to those who are struggling.

“Whoever provides relief to a person in this world, Allah will provide relief to them on the day of judgement.” - At-Tirmidhi

“Whoever provides relief to a person in this world, Allah will provide relief to them on the day of judgement.”

– At-Tirmidhi