LoC: Food Packages

When you donate to our Food Packages Appeal, you can provide fasting families and those facing malnutrition with food parcels to last the entire holy month, and reap the multiplied rewards of Ramadan. These food parcels are extremely important as some of their stomachs cannot handle solid foods straight away. Reap the multiplied rewards of Ramadan

The LoC Foundation UK is making and distributing these food packages on the ground in LoC area and ensuring they reach those who need them most.

You could donate a food package this Ramadan for as little as £50, bringing ease to struggling families and gaining blessings.

About the project


Poverty and food insecurity are a reality for many vulnerable communities around the world, true charity has the potential to be life-saving. Donating to charitable organizations during Ramadan can help provide much-needed support and relief to those who are struggling.

“He is not a believer who fills his stomach while his neighbour goes hungry.” (Bukhari)

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop