LoC - School Supplies

Neither Covid nor conflict should deny education & opportunities to these amazing children. LoC Foundation UK considers education to be the primary imperative in the empowerment and development of individuals, institutions and communities. It is an all volunteer based organization that relies on generous donations from individuals and sponsors to fulfil its mission.

Children suffer the worst in a conflict. Education is the often ignored but most potent tool for empowering them so they can survive, thrive, and create a better future.

About the project

Starting point

This boys school had many young children wanted to take up extra but did not have the basic supplies or facilities in the schools.

With the help of LoC Foundation UK, we were able to supply the schools basic bags and books along with some computer equipment to facilitate their studies.

End result

With your donations as Sadaqah Jariya, we have been able to facilitate education for the future generations of the communities in L0C.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop