Ramadan 2023 Appeal

Ramadan is the month that Muslims all over the world count down to each year. It is one of the most important times of the year, and a time that brings huge reward. It is a month focusing on devotion, mercy and the chance to draw closer to Allah (swt). It is the perfect time for us to sincerely seek forgiveness, reflect on our own blessings and give to those in need.

The Ramadan Food Packages will be distributed along the Line Of Control in Azad Kashmir, Pakistan. In areas which have been badly affected and damaged by years of ongoing bombing.

About the project

Please donate whole heartedly to help feed those in need during this blessed month.

Please donate your Fitrana, Sadaqah, Fidya (missed fasts) and Zakaat now.

“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.”

– Aesop